Wednesday, December 5, 2007

hanging on

i really don't understand why some of us hang on when we know that things aren't going to work out??? is it really worth the time??? is it worth the tears??? is it worth the pain that is causing you???

letting go isn't easy but if you don't let go when will you know be able to move on??? there are surely much more better people out there in this world... breaking up with the person you currently love is hard... but if they are causing u so much pain is it worth hanging on any longer???

Friday, October 19, 2007


I am still wondering if i should go to my college's prom or not... should i go or not??? If i go, i wanna go wit a date... if i were to go without a date i feel abit odd... but if were to go wit a date then i have to pay more... wad more JOE wana bring 2 dates... good for him... sad for me... i was thinking of asking Wendy to go wit me... but she's yet to confirm wit me... i doubt PSDC prom wil b as nice as other colleges prom nite... wahahahaha XD


nothing comes free in the world... THINGS might come cheap or expensive... there r also things dat r priceless such as frenships n realtionships... no money nor wealth can buy u a true fren or a true luv... true frens n true luv comes just like a gust of wind... it comes from no where but wil stay wit u forever... u can't see it but u can feel it... if u luv someone don wait til its too late to tel her... luv needs expression... if u were to keep the feelings deep down inside wit u no one wil noe n u won't gain anything but end up regreting... regret to see that very person u had such amazing feeling end up wit some other guy... don b a loser, don b affraid take the courage n try to express how u feel towards her... if she feels the same u'll noe at the very moment u express it to her... her sweet gentle smile wil do all the talking... no word needs to b spoken... if she don den she'll just ignore that very phrase n pretend to do something else or pretend dat she din hear u... i don think any guy is dumb enough to repeat it again... it takes alot of courage to say it for the 1st time but it takes even more courage for u to say the same thing again... u just can't cos all the courage had been used up in the 1st try... don take a rejection as ur useless or 2nd tought bout ur appearance... love's not bout finding the perfect person... its how u look at an imperfect person perfectly... take it as a lesson n think back hard where u went wrong... were u too spontanious wen u express ur feellings??? it might b too early for her, she might not know u as well as u tought u know her... or she just don feel the way u do... try getting closer to her n u might noe wat u did wrong... don try to come out on top of ur game cos it might just b above ur league try keeping a low profile... the rite person wil come without u knowing it... just like the wind...